Sunday 12 August 2012

Bonhoeffer on Meditating on God's Word

Why do I meditate?

Because I am a Christian. Therefore, every day in which I do not penetrate more deeply into the knowledge of God's Word in Holy Scripture is a lost day for me. I can only move forward with certainty upon the firm ground of the Word of God...

Because I need a firm discipline of prayer. We like to pray according to our moods - briefly, at length, or not at all. But that is to be arbitrary... We are not free to engage in it according to our own wishes. Prayer is the first divine service in the day. "Early in the morning I cry out to you, for in your word is my trust" (Ps 119:147)...

Because I need help against the ungodly haste and unrest that threaten my work as a pastor. Only from the peace of God's Word can there flow the proper, devoted service of each day.

What do I want from my meditation?

... We want to meet Christ in his Word. We turn to the text in our desire to hear what it is that he wants to give us and teach us today through his Word. Meet him first in the day, before you meet other people. Every morning lay upon him everything that preoccupies you and weighs you down, before new burdens are placed upon you. Ask yourself what still hinders you from following him completely and let him take charge of that, before new hindrances are placed in your way.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Instructions in Daily Meditation from Meditating on the Word, tr. David McI. Gracie